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How Did Each German State Get Its Name?

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Lukasz Rosinski  
The medieval German city-states should be a model for the whole of Europe, including the three seas initiative nations, based on the concept of #Intermarium. The City-State model is the best government type for #European civilization. It is an alternative for a federal Europe, the present day system in which the EU undermines national sovereignty, old Republics created by revolutionaries, a Europe of independent nation-states, if the EU would cease to exist, a Europe of rival Empires. #CityState
0:17 the dots on top of the Ä are not decoration. Ä is not pronounced like the English A in apple
This is so wrong that it borders misinformation.
9:15 not quite sure if this guy should represent Ibrahin Ibh Jakub, but it is Mieszko I, the first ruler and founder of Poland
Funny that you show a render of a first confirmed polish duke Mieszko who founded polish state and talk about Ibrahim ibn Jakub, a Jewish traveler who travel the area and was the first person to put Mieszko’s state on the map!
Explaining how each Canadian province/territory got its name would be a good topic for an upcoming video.
Thumbnail: the division of these states Video: The origin of the names of each German state
"With Nord VPN you can browse the internet as if you were in germany". Me, german: "interesting"
Fun Fact for fantasy fans: In Tolkiens "The Lord of the Rings" the kingdom of Rohan is divided into a Westfold and an Eastfold. It's basically the same as Westfalen (Westphalia). In former times there was an Ostfalen (Eastphalia?), too, but this name isn't used any more. Tolkien used the old Saxons as a model for the Rohirrim, and there language, including the names of these areas.
Seems like I missed the great thumbnail incident :( But at least the video was great...
Cool video as always! You can do Poland next, also has 16 provinces.
I would have included that "Free State" has aboslutely no meaning. These States aren´t different from the other ones (even though Bavaria often does act like it and is seen like they are something special). The "Lower" in Lower Saxony describes its Elevation, its coastal. Vorpommern doesn´t mean close to Pommern. Its more like the Front Part of Pommern (the other is Hinterpommern then). A Video about the territorial History of german States can be interesting as well. Some have really long Roots (like Bavaria) some developed out of the unification of several States (like Baden-Württemberg, even though with a weird intermediate Step) and some are rather young like RP.
There is a statement that you have posted typed out in the video that is about “Free States“ in Germany, it says: from the 19th century, when Imperial Germany became a republic. — well Germany never became a republic till the 20th century after World War I and then again after WWII.
I'll suggest to the Berlin city council to replace the bear in their coat of arms with your cute little frog.
nothing about masuren or ostpreußen ?
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