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They Just Banned Church and I Expect God Will Send Judgement

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Lukasz Rosinski  
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We must do whatever it takes to stop this from coming to America…
It’s because they are illuminati. They too want a one World government. those who understand what’s going on understand why they’re doing this😢
See? This is what I keep talking to people about worldwide. This is why we need to reunify church and state. This is why we need to reinstate church and state policies. This is why we need to bring back capital punishment for all crimes. This is why we need to go back to a similar timeline as the Medieval/Rennacance Era but still modern-day. This is why we the elite and we the people should fight the current powers that be to inforce our first amendment rights of free speech and freedom of religion, assembly, and the press and everything else that comes with human rights. This is why we as a society still need Kings to keep this nonsense in line, same thing goes to Charles III of Scotland and Elizabeth II of England, pause. This is why we need Kings and Governments of all kinds in every state and country worldwide forever until the Lord's return in 10,000 years at an unknown time, day or hour as mentioned in the Bible. This is why we need to expose these wokes for what they really are and turn them away from it one step at a time. This is why we need to preach the gospel to literally everyone. This is why we need to feed his sheep and goats with the good news that one day we will all turn to God and therefore we will all go to Heaven where we belong. As John the Baptist declared, all mankind will see the salvation of God. And we shall live with him forever and evermore. Amen. All creation will go to Heaven too, presumably even the Devil and his angels after all eternity of the Lord's judgement comes to a close. But believe me when I say this, however. There will come a day that we all will finally figure out like I had a long time ago that since God created everything, including all other gods of all other Abrahamic faiths, myths, and legends, all with freewill similar to him and yet he knows whether someone or something will choose him or to be with him or not, there's no way that God would allow these beings to suffer for the same exact eternity as those in Heaven
It's the political class in England. They are letting Islam take over and if you criticize it, it's a 'hate' crime. It's insane and this destruction will lead to the death of England. We all need to start and turn back towards Jesus Christ, amen.
Coe, power struggles up in the New Anglican church ( Bishop Mar Mari spoke of this ) ..
Church is just a foundation of the people who believe in Christ. We are the Church. Also The Vatican no longer has a Church. So it's just The Vatican. England said it! Not I
You don't need that nonce ring to worship your god.
He is coming ❤️✝️❤️
Judment is coming in UK, protestantyzm always schizm never church .
The church of england was never a church anyway
The Fall of Britain…
What really I also seen you have 666k views that's not good God bless you and the other Christian people there
Shame on those who thought of and organised this. The UK has gone to the dogs.
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