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When is Long Hair Too Old? Stylish Hair Transformation with MAKEOVERGUY #longhairtransformation

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wow!! looking very adorable.
Its fabulous and this cut frames your face beautifully its gorgeous and so are you.
One of the best!!
I am jealous
You look taller, thinner and younger. Congratulations!
You look beautiful
Wow!!! You look beautiful!!!!
Ofcourse her long hair looked raggedy, they ment it to look that way. Had she brushed it, trimmed it,maybe layered it or gave bangs or even pinned the sides up, and put all that face makeup on that they did, she would've looked like she didn't just crawl out of bed. Not a single one of us ladies look great with bed hair,not 1. Her hair was beautiful, she didn't need it chopped to the point that now she looks like she has a alien head on the side view and back. The front was pretty, but once she turned to the side, all I seen was alien like her head grew up towards the sky in the back. I'm 56,hair to my waiste, dark brown w a tiny bit of silver just starting. I don't plan to dye it and it actually makes me look younger then if I had a old woman's Bob cut. Seriously though, no reason to chop it the way they did,then add more makeup on her (now u can really see her wrinkles!) than a marionette doll.
OMG she looks 10+ years younger!
Bottom line take home message in all these hair makeover shows: when the person gets home, can they style their hair the exact same way as the stylist did?🤔 Eventually, not always, they end up wearing their hair the same way it was when they first walked in.
She could have braided her long hair or made a bun. Eat right, exercise, practice thankfulness, wear a head covering with your hair tied back or in braids and you will look and feel much better.
She looks so much younger and very pretty.
Where is this guy? I want a MAKEOVER!!!
Thought she looked great before, but if this helps her confidence- go for it. I like how her natural style was emphasized and not too overdone.
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