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Battle of Klushino, 1610 ⚔️ Polish invasion of Russia ⚔️ DOCUMENTARY

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Lukasz Rosinski  
In the context of the Great Troubles in Russia, back then the stage of the first and second false Dmitry, a heroic Polish army under leadership of Stanisław Żółkiewski fights Russian troops then allied with Swedish forces at the battle of Klushino (1610), and is victorious. The Polish commander and his forces entered the Russian capital of Moscow on October 8, 1610. The control of Moscow lasted two years. It was an opportunity to form a wider Commonwealth, but it did not happen.
Polish imperialism
Poland and Lithuania invaded moscow. Aswell as ruthenians from lithuania and poland. Its so annoying how everybody calls this poland. Its literally in the name that it was lithuania and poland as a single country. Smh
Ukraine was no independant state back then, was occupied by the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth in the West abd Russia in the East and South.
I dare anyone call Poland "innocent defended" again. Poland is the most savage nation in Europe, always igniting and starting wars and craving more land, Poland really needs to sit down
It is sad we live in a Propaganda world where Due to political Interests the only History of Poland and Russia are those around and after WWII. Due to Anti-Russianism We can only speak of Atrocities Russians committed over Poles, but we gladly forget this History where they just Defended against them. Preventing nothing but occupation out of pure greed. And nationalist hatred.
That's moscovia
Hey I know this video is old but you need to get rid of established title. It is a scam.
Should've named it Battle of the Dimitri's
Ukrainian leader fought well against muscovites.
Russia was part of Poland. This is Moscow Principality vs Rech Pospolita. Russia is 3 regions of Ukraine - Kijiv, Chernigov and Pereyaslav. All Russian Empire was announced by Peter 1 in 1721 only
Losses in the battle: Poland 100 Hussars and probably 200 common soldiers (Hussars were noblemen usually from wealthy families) . Sources give different numbers for Swedes: 500, 700 or 1300, Russians: from 2000 to 16500 (as some sources give a total SW and R of 17000, it would give between 15700 and 16500). Also, the Polish side lost around 400 horses. Hussars took 5 horses each on a campaign: 1 riding horse and 4 battle horses. They would change them between charges. These were specially trained to not panic when near gunfire or laud sounds in general. The Hussars were armored and had a breastplate especially thick at the center - this stopped musket hits from the front. The biggest target was the horse, so most shots hit the animal. Even so, a wounded horse would usually carry the rider to the back line. Also, the Hussars used long lances and the pikes used by the Swedes were short (2m). When placed on the ground in a defensive formation, they gave the foot soldiers maybe a meter of pike in front of them. The Hussars could hit them from much further away. In one battle, one Hussar found his lance after the battle and counted 6 dead opponents on it.
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Poland on top
One day, a new Polish king and a new Russian tsarina will marry and form a new and colossal Slavic commonwealth. 😍😍😍😍😍
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